Organic Acerola Cherry Powder

Natures Root

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Natures Root

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    Natures Root Organic Acerola Powder

    TAcerola is a fast growing bushy shrub or small tree with small pink and white flowers. The fruits are round and ovoid with three lobes, and are said to have a pleasant, tart taste. They are bright red when ripe, and come to maturity approximately 25 days after the first buds appear. The fruit of the acerola is the richest known source of natural vitamin C in the world. They are usually picked when still green, because in this state they have almost twice as much vitamin C as when fully ripened..

    Known as extremely high in vitamin C and antioxidants, acerola fruit is also high in iron, calcium, beta carotenes and phosphorus. Acerola juice is as popular in Brazil as orange juice is in America.

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    • Our Organic range are certified by the UK Soil Association or EU Certified.
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    • Commitment to provide high quality products at low prices
    • Our passion is to help people live healthy and enjoy life

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