Organic Broccoli Raab Sprouting Seeds

Natures Root

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Sprouting Seeds

Natures Root

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Natures Root Broccoli Sprouting Seeds (Raab)

Originating in the Mediterranean, our Italian Raab or Rapini is one of the most popular vegetables among many in Europe and in Asia, it is probably the most popular vegetable in Hong Kong and is used extensively in Italian cooking. Flourishing famously in Mediterranean and Chinese cultures, elsewhere it is still a bit of a curiosity.

Unlike normal broccoli, which is from the cabbage family, Broccoli raab is related to turnip. It grows the same as sprouting broccoli but with leaves that look like turnip greens. The taste is somewhere between broccoli and spinach, but with undercurrents of mustard greens and a delightful, slightly bitter edge softened by just a hint of nutty sweetness. our Broccoli sprouting seeds are a tangy, fresh 4-day sprout that grows well in a jar or sprouting tray.

Days to Sprout:

- Sprout: 4-5 days - Microgreen: 10-14 days
- Soak Time 2-4 hours
- Yield: 1 tbsp of dry seed yields approx. 3-4 cups of sprouts

Storage: Our seeds should sprout well for a year after you purchase them, if stored in a cool dry place. If you'd like to extend the germination life of your seeds, store them in the fridge. If you store your seeds in the freezer, they'll last even longer!

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