Organic Chickpeas for Sprouting

Natures Root

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Sprouting Seeds

Natures Root

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How to sprout Organic Chickpeas

  • Rinse and soak the chickpeas in clean water fo12 hours.
  • Drain and rinse the seeds and put in your sprouting tray or jar.
  • Rinse the seeds daily.
  • The sprouts should be ready within 3/4 days

How to use Organic Chickpea sprouts in the kitchen

Chickpeas are also known as known as garbanzos, chana or ceci and will give you very hearty and satisfying sprouts . They will make a salad that little bit more filling and can aslo be used to make a delicious raw hummus.  They can be eaten raw or cooked slightly to add to soups and stews.  All in all, sprouted Chickpeas are a very good way of incorporating raw food into your diet,

Nutritional values and benefits of Chickpea Sprouts

  • Chickpea sprouts contain vitamins A, B, C, and E
  • They are rich in calcium, Iron, Magnesium and  Potassium
  • Chickpea sprouts also contain  Folic acid
  • Protein: 20%
  • During sprouting, minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, bind to protein, making them more bioavailable. The content of vitamins and essential fatty acids also increase during the sprouting process.
  • Soaking and sprouting beans helps neutralize phytic acid and lectins while enhancing the amino acid, vitamin and protein content

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