Organic Pecan Nut Halves

Natures Root

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Natures Root

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Natures Root Organic Pecan Nut Halves

Pecans are as nutritious to eat as they are delicious. These delicate nuts are excellent sources of protein and contain energy producing nutrients & carbohydrates. The fat found in pecans is mostly polyunsaturated and contains no cholesterol. Pecans add fiber to your diet and contain iron, calcium, vitamins A, B, and C, potassium and phosphorous. Pecans also add flavor and a delighted crunchiness to a variety of foods. Adding ten large pecan halves to your salads, toppings, vegetables, meat dishes and desserts will add 65 nutritious calories to your diet.

Pecans are sodium-free and contain more than19 different vitamins and minerals, making them an ideal nutritious alternative to animal-based foods

Suggested Use:

Perfect for your favorite brownie recipe, used in a delicious breading, or sprinkled across a fresh spring salad, pecans are great for adding some tasty crunch to your favorite dish!

Why Natures Root?
- We source only the highest quality natural superfoods.
- Most of our Organic range are certified by the UK Soil Association or EU Certified.
- All operations are carried out in-house to ensure best care and attention.
- Commitment to provide high quality products at low prices
- Our passion is to help people live healthy & and enjoy life

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